Take the style quiz!

I just added a fun feature to my client questionnaire: a style quiz! Most people know what they like when they see it, but have a hard time articulating their personal style. That’s why I created this fun, interactive style quiz! Labeling your style is not totally necessary (in fact, I prefer you don’t!), but having a general sense of your preferences will make communication between client and designer so much smoother. Plus, it will save you a heaping ton of money on purchase regrets.

I designed this quiz to produce results in percentages so you can see all the styles you are drawn towards, with your favorite at the top. So no need for one style definition - this is your mix!

Did I mention it was fun?

Once you land on your results page, take a screenshot to save for future reference. Need help making sense of the results? Shoot me a quick email and I will give you a complimentary explanation of your personal style!

Be sure to check out my design services here to take the next step!

katie thewlis1 Comment