Painted pumpkins and a front porch bar - why not?

Why does a human skeleton look funny and cute and a dog skeleton make me want to cry? My daughter saw this at the store and HAD to have it. Now she plays with it as if it were real. She even feeds it. I don’t think she even thinks of the morbidity factor. I don’t think anyone really does when it comes to halloween decor? It’s just weird lol

But here were are, and the pooch is staying.


Along with this porch bar. How cute is this bar cart from my vintage shop?


I usually buy pumpkins way too early and deal with rot come October, but this year, I decided to buy fake. I know, I know. Just typing that makes me feel all kinds of shame. But, there is something about knowing I can pull these out year after year that really appeals to my practical side.


Plus, I was able to put all of the leftover paint samples to work!


These giant spiders have been a hit, year after year. Remember the fiberglass loveseat from my front porch makeover post? Since it already kind of resembles a web, it was the perfect place for them.


Most of my Summer plants have crooked. I just picked up this Fall medley at Lowes and I’m loving the color!


Who wants to join me for a porch cocktail?

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